14/01/25 – Club Sessions now open for booking

No icy weather means club sessions are back tomorrow evening 🙌🏻

The sessions are as follows and are open for booking via GymCatch. 👇🏻


Sub 20 | 400m Repeats
20-22 | Time Based Pyramid
22-25 | Mile Repeats
25-27 | 400m Repeats
27-30 | Time Based Intervals
30-33 | Hills
33+ | Kilometer Cut Down

Members have up until 17:30 tomorrow to book onto a session. Bookings cannot be made after this time. Please ensure you have signed up and received a confirmation email before joining your group. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️

Members should wear bright colours/high viz/reflective clothing to help keep us all seen and safe. Thanks.