The club has been going for almost two years and on Tuesday 22nd November @ 8pm we are having our 2nd AGM. The club was initially setup by a small group of volunteers who have been working hard behind the scenes to ensure we have a safe and professional club to train at. Over the last 18 months that core group has become smaller whilst the club has been getting bigger.
For the club to operate we need our coaches and a team of people to support them and club, beyond what happens on a club night.
I have had the privilege to be vice chair for 6 months and chair for 18 months and work with some amazing people. However I am no longer in a position to be able to continue with being Chair. Therefore I will be standing down at the AGM.
With our increased membership we are needing more people to come forward and serve the club via the committee or helping with administration tasks. For the club to operate we need to have the following committee positions filled:
- Chair (vacant)
- Vice-chair (vacant)
- Treasurer (vacant)
- Secretary (Helen, but needs an assistant with view to taking over at end of 2017)
- Membership Secretary (Fiona, but needs an assistant with view to taking over at end of 2017)
- Coaching Coordinator (Sam)
- 2x Welfare Officers (Andrew, Heather and Michelle)
- 4xClub representatives (David, Gill and Paul)
It was envisaged that people wouldn’t serve on the committee for more than 2-3 years so that we can encourage fresh faces with new ideas to ensure the club continues to flourish.
Beyond committee roles we need people to cover the door (as the importance of this was demonstrated recently), people to develop our website, write race reports, take photos at events, help with club merchandising, become coaches to name but a few.
We need to share the workload so everyone can get out and enjoy their running. We also need to appreciate that people have day jobs and commitments beyond running the club so can’t respond straight away to queries.
Our club is good and achieved a lot since it started but it needs more help to continue and to get better.
So please consider volunteering.
Ian Howse
Club Chair
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