Thursday 23rd February Training Sessions

Good morning all here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22) which will be lead by Paul are doing long hills. (22-25) which will be lead by Paul + Lucy are doing mile repeats with a bit of speed work included. (25-27) which will be lead by Cat are doing 400m repeats. (27-30) which will be lead by Mary are doing a hills session on Durham road. (30-33 + 33+) which will be lead by Michelle and Ian are doing a hill relay session. Thanks all ??
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Tuesday 21st February Training Sessions

Here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22) which will be lead by Paul are doing an Indian file session. (22-25) which will be lead by Sam and Lucy are doing an interval session. 6 x 5 minute repeats. (25-27) which will be lead by Cat are doing a 3 mile tempo run. (27-30) which will be lead by Jayne are doing a pace pyramid session. (30-33 + 33+) which will be lead by Fiona and Diane are doing an interval session on the cycle path. Thanks all ??
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Thursday 16th February Training Sessions

Good morning all here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22) which will be lead by Paul are doing an Indian file session. (22-25) which will be lead by Sam are doing a hills session. (25-27) which will be lead by Helen are doing a 5 mile run. (27-30) which will be lead by Jayne are doing hill repeats. (30-33) which will be lead by Fiona are doing an interval session. (33+) which will be lead by Ian are doing a 3 minutes run 2 minutes walk session. A reminder that it's free tea tonight after the sessions☕️ Biscuit donations are welcome!? Thanks ?
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Tuesday 14th February Training Sessions

Good morning all here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22) which will be lead by Paul are doing hill repeats. (22-25) which will be lead by Sam are doing a speed session. (The group will be split in two tonight, Lucy will be taking half and also doing a speed session) (25-27) which will be lead by Cat are doing a social run. (27-30) which will be lead by Helen are doing a HIIT session. (30-33 + 33+) which will be lead by Fiona and Diane are doing an interval session. Thanks all??
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Thursday 9th February Training Sessions

Good morning all here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22) which will be lead by Paul are doing a speed session. (22-25) which will be lead by Sam are doing an Indian file relay session. (25-27) which will be lead by Cat are doing 4 minute intervals. (27-30) which will be lead by Jayne are doing a social run. (30-33) which will be lead by Fiona are doing a social run. (33+) which will be lead by Ian are doing lamppost sprints. ??
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Thursday 2nd February Training Sessions

Good morning all here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22) which will be lead by Paul. (Not sure of the session but I know Paul is definitely leading!) (22-25) which will be lead by Sam are doing mile repeats. (25-27) which will be lead by Cat are doing long hills at birkdale road. (27-30) which will be lead by Helen are doing pyramid intervals at greens lane. (30-33) which will be lead by Mary are doing a social run. (33+) which will be lead Fiona are doing a hills session. Thanks everyone ?    
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Tuesday 31st January Training Sessions

Good morning all here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22) which will be lead by Paul are doing long hill repeats. (22-25) which will be lead by Sam are doing 5 x 5 minute hill repeats. (25-27) which will be lead by Cat are doing 1 mile intervals. (27-30) which will be lead by Jayne are doing a repeated mixed tempo session (approx 5-6km). (30-33) which will be lead by Fiona are doing intervals. (33+) which will be lead by Ian are doing a run for 5 minutes walk for 2 session. Thanks all
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Thursday 26th January training sessions

Good morning all here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22) which will be lead by Paul are doing a 10km tempo run. (22-25) which will be lead by Sam are doing a tempo speed session. (25-27) which will be lead by Cat are doing a 4 mile tempo run. (27-30) which will be lead by Helen are doing short sharp hills. (30-33 + 33+) which will be lead by Fiona are doing a negative split run. Thanks all ??
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Tuesday 24th January training sessions

Good morning all here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22 + 22-25) which will be lead by Paul, Sam and Lucy are doing a pyramid speed session. 5 x 5 minutes with 2 minutes recovery in between each set. (25-27) which will be lead by Cat are doing a 5 mile run with changing pace. (27-30) which will be lead by Jayne are doing an interval session. (30-33) which will be lead by Mary are doing a tempo run. (33+) which will be lead by Fiona are doing a 5km social run with a few hills in! Thanks all.
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January 17th Training Sessions.

Good morning all, here are tonight's sessions: (Sub 22) which will be lead by Paul are doing a speed interval session. (22-25) which will be lead by Sam are doing 5 x 4 minute hill repeats. (25-27) which will be lead by Cat are doing a 3 mile tempo run. (27-30) which will be lead by Jayne are doing a pyramids session. (30-33 + 33+) which will be lead by Fiona and Mary are doing a interval progression session. Thanks all :)
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