Stockton Striders Committee 2024/25

Club News
Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM tonight. Fantastic turnout! The full minutes will be made available over the weekend but I would like to announce the Stockton Striders committee for the 2024/2025 year. Chairman - Samuel Johnston Vice Chair - Jamie Bentley Coaching Coordinator - Tom Ramsey Club Secretary - Gail Robinson Membership Secretary - Sue King Treasurer - Abby Barker Lead Welfare Officer - Alan King Welfare Office - Doreen Morris Members Representatives - Kris Allen, Peter Camp & Glenn Cooper. Congratulations and welcome to Doreen Morris and Jamie Bentley who take up positions on our committee for the very first time. Congratulations also to Gail on becoming club secretary. And a final thank you to Suzanne Brodie and Helen Johnston for all their hard work and…
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AGM – Committee Roles & Re-Election.

Club News
AGM - Committee Roles and Re-Election. Hi All, Hopefully most of you have seen the previous posts in the group and on the website about the upcoming AGM which takes place a week tomorrow at 7.30pm from the clubhouse. As most will know, one of the main things taking place is the re-election of the committee. I have outlined below the roles, the current holder of the role, and whether they intend to stand again. Please be reminded that even if the current holder intends to run again, you can still put your name forward for this role, but it will go to a vote. Chairman - Samuel Johnston (standing again) Coaching Coordinator - Tom Ramsey (standing again) Membership Secretary - Sue King (standing again) Club Secretary - Helen Johnston…
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Striders Christmas Drinks!

Club News
Stockton Striders Christmas Drinks! 🎅🍺 Hi All, On Friday 13th December Striders will be having their annual informal Christmas drinks! The plan is to meet at 7pm in the Hambletonian in Norton (opposite the duck pond) and then go with the flow… Christmas jumpers are compulsory! (Even for me.. 🙈) Hope to see you all there! Thank you
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Cancelling Your Booking

Club News
Morning, I am re-sharing this from earlier in the year as I know a few people have asked recently, and we have had new members join since then. Please note that this message is also in the ‘featured’ section within the Facebook group. As you will know, we use gymcatch to inform you of the sessions, and this is what you use to book on to them. With that in mind, we get a lot of questions from members about how to cancel their booking or sometimes members forget to cancel. Cancelling is really important if you can no longer make it as sometimes there is a waiting list of people wanting to join the session. In addition to this, it’s a requirement that the coach knows exactly who is…
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Club Schedule 22nd Oct – 7th Nov

Club News
Hi All, Please see the below reminder of our schedule over the next few weeks: Tuesday 22nd October - Sessions @ the club as normal. Thursday 24th October - Sessions @ the club as normal. Tuesday 29th October - Naked Run @ the Tees Barrage (for newer members.. don’t worry, this doesn’t involve taking your clothes off!) more details to follow.. Thursday 31st October - CLUB CLOSED, NO SESSIONS. Tuesday 5th November - CLUB CLOSED, NO SESSIONS. Thursday 7th November - Sessions @ the club as normal. Thank you
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Tuesday 15th October 2024

Club News
Good Evening, Our next social run/free tea and coffee night is Tuesday 15th October. We will be using this night as an opportunity for newer members to meet the committee who will all be present. In addition to this, I will also be there to answer any questions or queries that members may have about the club. So, if you have anything you’d like to ask please come and see me. If you are unable to attend on the 15th but have a question/query, please email it to and I will pick it up. All questions and answers will be posted after the night so members can see what was discussed. Thank you
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York Bus 2024

Club News
York Bus Hello and happy Sunday! Two weeks today is York Marathon Festival and I’m pleased to say that we are go for the bus! Thank you for everyone who has committed. Remember, you are liable for the cost, even if you don’t travel. I will confirm final details this week for timings etc but I need to ask you to pay for the bus via BACS transfer to the following account. Cost is £17 please: Mr Daniele Meucci 04-00-03 01145103 Please DO NOT send to the normal Striders account!! Any questions, please let us know. Kris & Dan
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Merchandise – Hi Viz from Sprinters

Club News
Hi-viz Shirts Hi everyone After taking some feedback about cost of the hi-viz shirts from Sprinters once postage is added, I’ve agreed with them that orders can be made via the website but can be picked up by myself, saving the need for postage. Therefore, when you order, if you reference “Kris to pick-up”, this will let’s Sprinters know the situation and I will liaise with them to pick up orders every week or two, depending on numbers ordered. As the darker nights approach, I strongly recommend you think about how visible while running and these shirts are a perfect way to be seen. Any questions, let me know 😊 Kris & Andy
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Upcoming Club Closure Dates.

Club News
Evening, The door rota for October - December will be posted shortly but just before it is, I would like to give you all a heads up that the club will be closed with no sessions taking place on the following dates: Thursday 31st October Tuesday 5th November In addition to this, our final session of the year will take place on Tuesday 17th December, with the club then closing for Christmas/New Year and returning on Tuesday 7th January. Thank you
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Pizza & Quiz Night 27/9/24

Club News
Final Call ! ‼️ Final call for tickets for our pizza & quiz night taking place on Friday 27th September starting at 7pm @ the clubhouse. The deadline to order tickets is this Friday, 6th September as this is when the food order will be placed. Tickets are £5, with payments to be made to the Striders bank account. Reference - ‘Quiz Night’. Please comment below or message privately if you would like to purchase tickets if you haven’t yet done so. Please also stipulate any dietary requirements. Thank you!
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