parkrun 260316

Home / Run reports / parkrun 260316

Well, it is Easter weekend and all the Striders who turned out at parkrun stayed close to home.

The big turnout was at a very windy Tees barrage with at least 28 Striders either running or volunteering. The volunteers were led by run director Angela Cox. There were Strider timers, token people, scanners, tail runner and marshals – basically all the roles required to run a successful event. Well done all.

Of the 20 runners, it was Matthew Smiths introduction to the world of parkrun and Adam Potter somehow managed to battle through the wind to the only new Striders PB of the day.

We also had a runner at Stewart park and three at Albert park where Caroline Hortons 78.9% age graded result had to be the performance of the day.

That may appear a fairly meaningless number but try going to this site, enter 78.9%, your age and gender and hit calculate to see just what you would need to do to achieve such a percentage. Now it’s impressive!

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